The Monthly Peep

What’s going on in February 1 -28

February 2: Groundhog Day – Fun weather predictions and learning about


February 4: Take home poster boards for the Black History Project.

February 8: Take Your Child to the Library Day

February 11: National Inventors’ Day – Honoring inventors who changed the world.

February 13: Valentine’s Day party at 11;30a

February 14: Valentine’s Day

February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day (School is closed)

February 17: Presidents’ Day – Learning about leadership and historical figures.

February 18-24: National Engineering Week – Hands-on STEM challenges

inspired by Black inventors.

February 20: Black Inventors Projects are due TODAY!

Black History Month

National Children's Dental Health Month

American Heart Month

Sack Lunch Days: Mondays and Fridays

February Curriculum: Black Inventors, Scientists, and Moses

Week 1: The Power of Invention & God's Calling (Moses' Birth & Call)

Week 2: Medicine, Miracles & God's Protection (The Plagues of Egypt)

Week 3: Engineering & Leadership (Moses Leads the Israelites)

Week 4: Aviation & Miracles (Manna from Heaven & Water from the Rock)

Storybook STEM February

Groundhog Day by Gail Gibbons

The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond

If I Were President by Catherine Stier

You Think It’s Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? by Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt